Moving and transforming
a site navigation bar
If you move a site navigation bar on the page, the bar is also
moved on all the other pages on which it appears. Similarly if
you scale the bar to make it larger or smaller using the
Selector Tool, again the same transformation is applied to
the copy of the bar on the other pages.
No other transformations of a NavBar using the Selector Tool
are supported (rotation, skew, scaling in one dimension).
page linking
Whenever you add a new page to your site, a link to that
page will be added to your site navigation bar for you and
the new page will be given a copy of the bar, if it doesn't
already have one. If your bar has an unused button on it,
then the first such button will be linked to your new page. If
all buttons are already linked, a new button is automatically
added to the end of your bar and it is linked to the new page.
In either case, the label of the button is changed to match
the name of the new page, if it has a name, or to "New page"
otherwise. Normally you will want to immediately edit this
new label in the NavBar dialog.
When you delete a page from your website, the button
linking to it on your site navigation bar is automatically
deleted for you, on all pages of
your site.